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El Romerillo, Peru (Natural)

Volumes1kg, 250g, Sample

Produced by Cleber Acosta

Region - San Ignacio

Grown at 1800 masl

Varietal - Bourbon

Harvest - August 2023

Process - Natural

The Acosta Family's dedication to quality is exemplified by their onsite testing laboratory: peach sweetness & grenadine.

Cleber Acosta took over El Romerillo farm from his parents, located in an ideal landscape for coffee cultivation. Cleber is supported by his wife, Irma, and their children, each playing vital roles in farm management.

The farm boasts an onsite laboratory for conducting sensory evaluations to assess and enhance coffee quality.

Practices at El Romerillo reflect a strong commitment to environmental stewardship. All waste is composted for cultivation use, shade trees are strategically planted to prevent soil erosion, organic fertilisers are utilised, and harvesting is done manually to select only mature cherries.

This lot was meticulously hand-harvested at peak ripeness, washed, and then floated. Cherries are rested for 14 hours before moving to the drying area, where they remain for 10 days at 25°C. Subsequently, the harvest is transferred to a drying area at 30°C for 15 days, followed by a final stage at 35°C. The coffee is then rested for 15 days in GrainPro bags to stabilise its attributes. Cleber personally tastes every coffee to identify potential adjustments for future crops.