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Eliza, Ecuador (Anaerobic Washed)

Volumes1kg, 150g, Sample

Limited release.

5% off 10 pack of 150g boxes.

10% off 15 pack of 150g boxes.

Produced by Bernard Uhe

Region - Loja

Grown at 1740 masl

Varietal - Typica Mejorado

Harvest - June 2023

Process - Anaerobic Washed

A Typica Mejorado varietal from the award winning Finca Eliza: melon sweetness & a silky, creamy finish.

Finca Eliza, nestled in Loja, Ecuador, was acquired by Martin and his daughters in 2016. They swiftly planted coffee seeds, cultivating three prized varietals: Geisha, Sidra, and Typica Mejorado. Renowned for its excellence, the farm secured 10th place in the 2023 Cup of Excellence with its anaerobic washed Geisha. Factors contributing to this success include the high elevation, fertile soil, mineral-rich mountain water, and abundant year-round sunlight lasting 12 hours daily.

We've chosen an anaerobic washed Typica Mejorado, offering melon sweetness and a silky, creamy finish.

Finca Eliza operates under the umbrella of Choco Vilca Mundo, an Ecuadorian agricultural enterprise owned by Bernard Uhe and his coffee-growing family from Colombia.

For this lot, ripe red cherries are selectively harvested. The coffee undergoes washing and floating, followed by fermentation in bags for 48 hours with regular turning every 12 hours. After fermentation, the cherries are pulped and undergo another 48-hour fermentation period. Finally, the parchment is meticulously washed in tanks to complete the process.